Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Moving In

industrial side table: CREATE
catch all plate: CREATE
spice rack: CREATE
silver cow skull: SPLURGE
veneto suitcase storage: MUST HAVE
hermes avalon blanket: SPLURGE
Interior decorating ideas from DIY to high high high. I am continually updating my home with fun new paint colors, interesting accessories found in the fashion district or flower marts, a designer splurge here and there, and a lot of fantastic DIY projects discovered in unique blogs. CasaSugar is one of my favorite interior blogs for inspiration. I love their celebrity and DIY sections. I can’t wait to recreate this fabulous floor to ceiling to door striped bathroom, and adorable handmade spice rack! The Hermes signature Avalon blanket and ZGallerie silver cow skull are definitely number one on my wish list. Gorgeous! Always in need of more storage I immediately fell in love with these buckled Veneto Suitcases, which are on their way from ZGallerie this week.